A message from Sandra Lee, Executive Director

Happy Mother’s Day to all who are celebrating.

Working a full-time job while raising three children, I look forward to a day off. This year, I plan on celebrating Mother’s Day with a walk up Mount Douglas in Victoria.

When children struggle with reading, mothers worry about their future. Fostering Literacy supports children who struggle with reading by providing one-to-one tutoring sessions. The program also provides tips to mothers on how to do fun-based literacy activities at home. In this issue of The Decoder newsletter, a mother shares how grateful she is to see her children improve their reading skills and build confidence in their abilities in Fostering Literacy empowers young readers.

You can help support mothers like this by donating today!

Trish Weatherall, Decoda’s communication specialist, is profiled in this issue for a special reason. In My first literacy teacher was my mother, Trish credits her mother for inspiring both her passions: writing and literacy.

This week, Decoda staff members attended the “Right to be Ready – Give Kids a Learning Chance” conference hosted by Mothers Matter Centre. Together with our partner organizations, we are working to narrow the preschool readiness gap so that every child can succeed in school.

May is planting season. At Decoda, we are laying the groundwork for next year’s Decoda Literacy Conference at the Radisson Hotel Vancouver Airport on April 17-19, 2024. Our conference theme is “Literacy: The Ripple Effect.”

Plans are taking shape for this year’s September is Literacy Month. Save the Date! Our annual team trivia challenge is on September 27. This year’s event is at The Butcher & Bullock Public House in downtown Vancouver.

In this month of renewal, we are pleased to share with you our updated Strategic Plan. This document outlines our priorities for the next three years. As we renew our commitment to advancing literacy in our province, we are so grateful to have you by our side.

Spring is in the air, and I hope you enjoy it.

Warm regards,

Sandra Lee

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