Celebrating Non-Fiction November in Canada
Let’s celebrate Non-Fiction November this month!
Working together for literacy
Let’s celebrate Non-Fiction November this month!
Learn about The Language Literacy Network framework developed by Dr. Jan Wasowicz.
Halloween is just around the corner! Learn some activities and review resources about the holiday.
How do we measure the impact of the National Financial Literacy Strategy? Learn about the measurement plan.
Decoda staff are sharing books that have helped us to learn about Indigenous peoples’ history and truth.
Check out our blog round up on the Skills for Success model!
Science Literacy Week is here! Discover resources to help celebrate this year’s theme: energy.
Are reading levels a useful tool for teaching reading? Read more to find out.
Word families can help “crack the code” to language proficiency.
Why do we keep teaching learning styles if they’ve been debunked? Let’s take a look at why the theory still persists.