Digital Decluttering

Today is Inbox Zero Day when we learn skills to help avoid email inbox overwhelm. In honour of the day, we’re re-posting this blog from the spring of 2021 with helpful digital decluttering tips.

Is it time for digital decluttering? Are your digital devices full of emails, documents, photos and videos you don’t need? Are you having trouble finding the ones you want?

Digital decluttering can help streamline your digital life by removing the items that are out of date and no longer needed.

Why do digital decluttering?

Here are some of the benefits:

Digital Decluttering Tips

Not everyone agrees on the order of digital decluttering activities. But everyone agrees that it will take time and attention. Set aside time to work on it. Break it down into smaller tasks. You don’t have to do it all at once.

Here are 5 things you can do to start digital decluttering now:

  1. Delete any unneeded emails, photo and documents. If this is a large task, break it down into manageable segments. Remember to empty the trash when you’re done.
  2. Unsubscribe from any listservs, newsletters and other group communications that you no longer read.
  3. Delete and uninstall apps you no longer use on all your digital devices.
  4. Clean up your downloads folder. Delete the files that were a one-time use; save files you want to keep in another folder.
  5. Review your online accounts and remove information that is no longer needed. Delete the accounts you no longer use.

Learn More

To learn more about digital decluttering and other digital spring cleaning activities, read:

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