Listening Practice – 6 Minute English
Do you need online listening practice activities for high intermediate or advanced EAL students? Look at 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English.
6 Minute English is a series of high interest, topical discussions. They introduce new vocabulary as well as provide listening practice. New activities are published regularly. Each listening activity includes a comprehension question, downloadable transcript and vocabulary list, and downloadable audio.
You can find over 170 listening practice activities in the collection, covering a range of topics. The activities are available on the BBC Learning English website, on YouTube, or as an app through Google Play or the Apple store.
Here’s a sample:
Note: Some Canadian EAL students may find the British accent challenging but it can be beneficial to those studying IELTS.
Felisha Chuter suggests using these audio clips as a warm up activity at the start of a session. She is an EAL teacher and also on the Decoda team, writing for The Westcoast Reader.
For less advanced EAL students, Felisha creates listening activities. You can find these accompanying the online articles on The Westcoast Reader website. These resources are free to use and new articles are added every month.
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