Fort Nelson, British Columbia

Aerial view of Fort Nelson
Photo by Tracy Rondeau.

Technology and Personal Skills Project

Project Lead: Seanah Roper, Fort Nelson Community Literacy Society


The Fort Nelson Community Literacy Society’s “Technology and Personal Skills” beta-test project took place in Fort Nelson, a small, remote community along the Alaska Highway in northeastern BC with a population of approximately 3500.

The town has been in steady economic decline for the past twelve years, with the initial closure of two main lumber mills and the eventual and continuing decline of the oil and gas industry. It has shrunk in population by about fifty percent and has seen many social and community issues arise due to the poor economy.

The Technology and Personal Skills project addressed the whole learner. It focused on job preparedness and personal learning, offering digital literacy training, employment skills, and workplace safety tickets. There was dedicated time spent on social-emotional learning, mindfulness and personal development for healing and self worth.

This beta-test site developed and shared curricula for their training delivery.

Read the beta-test report.


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