Volunteer Recognition

How do you manage volunteer recognition during a pandemic?

Volunteers have many roles in literacy organizations – from tutoring to office support to serving on boards and more. COVID-19 has had a big impact on what volunteers can do and how they can do it. It also has had an impact on how organizations can work with volunteers, including recognizing their contributions.

Even when organizations have little or no in-person contact with volunteers, it’s important to continue acknowledging and celebrating the work that volunteers do or are waiting to resume. Research by Volunteer Canada indicates that volunteers want to know what impact they’ve made and like to be thanked informally, on an ongoing basis.

The Volunteer Recognition Tool mentioned in the video continues to be available.

For an introduction to volunteer recognition, look at Wild Apricot’s The Ultimate Volunteer Appreciation Guide.

Volunteer Recognition during COVID-19

Find some ideas for acknowledging volunteers’ good work while following safe health guidelines in:

Thank you!

This week is National Volunteer Week in Canada. Thank you to all the literacy volunteers who are supporting literacy in their community.

Decoda offers a special thanks to the dedicated volunteers who serve on our Board of Directors: Dr. Val Overgaard, Grace Kuo, Dr. Pat Campbell, Anne Cooper, Leslie Landell, Dr. Ralf St. Clair and Diana Twiss. Their skills and commitment guide our work and make an impact on literacy in communities across BC. Thank you!

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