CALP Support

Two women sitting at a table
CALPs support adult learning in BC.

Across BC, many community literacy organizations offer Community Adult Literacy Programs (CALPs). Adult learners attend CALPs to improve their literacy and essential skills. CALPs allow adult learners to take non-credit literacy courses to improve their literacy skills for work, for home, or to pursue formal learning or training at a school district or public post-secondary institution.

CALP objectives:

  • increase the level of literacy and numeracy proficiencies among adults – 19 years and older – in order to meet the increasing demands of our labour market
  • meet the varying needs of adult learners including Indigenous peoples, immigrants, and persons with disabilities
  • increase literacy awareness among British Columbians

Decoda provides support for CALP programs across the province.

We provide:

  • training on the Community Adult Literacy Program (CALP) benchmarks
  • professional development workshops and webinars for literacy practitioners
  • mentoring, support and resources for literacy programs
  • up-to-date information on literacy related events, news and opportunities

Adult Literacy Resources

Decoda Literacy Library 


Sign up for This Week in the Field

For more information about CALP Support or the Adult Literacy Database contact Jade Chan at

We acknowledge the support of the Province of British Columbia, through the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills.