




Let’s Be Active! Primary (6-8 years old)

Active play tones muscles, builds strength and reduces stress and anxiety.  Here are some ideas for activities you can do together.

Let’s Be Active! Preschoolers (3-5 years old)

Vigorous play builds strong bones and muscles. Here are some ideas for activities you can do together.

Let’s Be Active! Toddlers (1-2 years old)

When toddlers practice active play they get stronger. Here are some ideas for activities you can do together.

Let’s Be Active! Babies (up to 1 year)

What does active play look like for babies? It’s never too soon to start. Here are some ideas for active play with babies.

Let’s Read Together! Babies (up to 1 year)

When do you start reading to babies? It’s never too early to start. Babies enjoy hearing you read. And, it’s helping them learn, even when they don’t know all the …

Let’s Read Together! Toddlers (1-2 years)

Reading together is a special time for families. It’s a shared experience that toddlers enjoy. And reading together is a great way to learn that reading is fun. Here are …

Let’s Read Together! Preschoolers (3-5)

Reading together is a special time for families! It’s a shared experience that preschoolers enjoy. And, it helps set the stage for learning to read. Here are some ideas for …

Indigenous LEAP activity cards set (French)

Complete set of print ready Indigenous Hop activity cards in French.

Tatanka Tatanka

Tatanka Tatanka traversons la rivière