Global Storybooks

Global Storybooks is a free multilingual resource for children and youth. Through the storybook portal you can read, listen to and download illustrated stories in more than 50 languages. Developed at the University of British Columbia, this portal hosts multilingual open-licensed books for over 40 countries and regions on five continents.

While most of the stories originate from the African Storybook, the themes are universal. The Storybooks Canada site makes the stories available in English, French and the most widely spoken immigrant and refugee languages in Canada. It also includes information for teachers on how the stories align with the BC curriculum and 20 suggestions for incorporating Storybooks Canada into their classrooms.

A separate Indigenous Storybooks site hosts stories inspired by the open source Little Cree Books in Indigenous languages as well as English, French and the most widely spoken immigrant and refugee languages in Canada.

To learn more, read Global Storybooks: From Arabic to Zulu, freely available digital tales in 50+ languages and take time to visit the Global Storybooks site.

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