Hands On! A Collection of EAL Literacy Activities
Hands On! A Collection of EAL Literacy Activities was developed for instructors working with adult EAL learners who have had little or no opportunity to develop reading and writing skills. This title might be familiar to some practitioners. First released in 1999 by Halifax Immigrant Learning Centre, a recently updated new edition is a publication of the Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS).
This resource was mentioned in one of the conference presentations, A Principles-based Approach to Supporting LINC Learners with Julie Ship and Dr. Amea Wilbur. The guidebook by the same name has been included with the presentation.
Also shown in the presentation is The 6 Principles for Exemplary Teaching of English Learners: Adult Education and Workforce Development. Email library@decoda.ca to borrow a copy.
There is so much good information like this shared in the conference presentations. Please consider joining us at the Decoda Literacy Conference in 2022!
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