HyperDocs for Remote and In-Person Learning

HyperDocs are a good tool to add to your teaching toolkit. They can be used for remote and in-person learning. They can be printed for in-person learning, used on Zoom or other video-conferencing platforms, and/or attached to an email.

What is a HyperDoc?

A HyperDoc is a carefully planned use of Google Docs or Slides to organize content and instructional activities using text, audio, video, images and, of course, hyperlinks. Think of it as an interactive and self-contained learning module. You can also use MS Word and PowerPoint, but most available HyperDocs are developed using Google applications. – AlphaPlus

Find a HyperDoc example for reading and writing in Does stress turn your hair gray?

Why use HyperDocs?

AlphaPlus lists the following reasons for using HyperDocs:

  • They can serve as a tool to bridge the distance when physical presence in the classroom is limited.
  • They are adaptable for online and offline use.
  • Their design can be very simple or complex.
  • Keeping visual elements clean and simple keeps the content accessible and readable.

Learn about HyperDocs

Thanks to AlphaPlus for creating From binders to HyperDocs, a website about using HyperDocs in adult basic education. This professional learning resource contains background information, ideas, examples and templates. It’s a great place to start to learn.

Learn more

Here are some other places to learn about HyperDocs:

How HyperDocs Can Transform Your Teaching


HyperDocs for Adult Educators


AlphaPlus has curated a collection of instructional materials that could be used in HyperDocs or on their own. Literacy practitioners will recognize some familiar resources and discover new ones in the Resources for Online and Offline Learning.

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