International Week of Happiness at Work

Did you know this week is International Week of Happiness at Work? Today we’re celebrating by providing a list of resources to increase your happiness at work! All the titles listed below are available to borrow from our library.


Events and activities

This year, the North American theme is “Attract, Inspire, Retain.” Happy employees perform better and organizations with happy employees are more successful. Learn how to increase health and happiness at your place of work by attending some of the free online events this week. Also, you can sign the happiness at work manifesto to commit yourself and/or your workplace to encouraging a happy workplace for all.

Happiness at work manifesto

There are many ideas of how to improve happiness at work on the website. Also provided is a four-step approach to inspire happiness at work:

  1. Commit to making workplace happiness a priority. Commit to your own happiness as well as the happiness of others at work.

  2. Learn about how to create positive lasting change within your team. There are many good approaches backed by science available. Before you choose one, make sure it will either help strengthen relationships within your team, or empower people to do their jobs to the best of their ability.

  3. Take Action by organizing simple yet effective initiatives to enhance the employee experience. Find ambassadors on your team to get started and lead the way, create clear goals for the team, pick one initiative to try first and, finally, review how well it worked.

  4. Share your story across your network and showcase the awesome things your team is doing!

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