Lethbridge, Alberta
Moving Forward: New Opportunities, New Lives
Project Lead: Lil Radley, Lethbridge Public Library
The Lethbridge Public Library’s “Moving Forward: New Opportunities, New Lives” beta-test project took place in Lethbridge, a city of about 100,000 in southern Alberta.
This project focused on culture and expectations in the Canadian workplace and the essential skills required, including document use and computer skills. The participants were adversely impacted by oil sand and other layoffs, including the farming community suppliers impacted by drought, and needed these skills to be competitive in today’s market. Those who required literacy skills improvement were paired with Read On Adult Literacy & Learning volunteer tutors. There was also an opportunity to meet some major local employers.
Although the majority of the participants were newcomers, there were others who benefited from the project. Continuing to improve job prospects and overall confidence made Moving Forward a most memorable project for participants.
This beta-test site has developed and shared curricula for their training delivery, and was selected to continue to the Pilot Test phase of this project.
Read the beta-test report.