Playful Learning with Interlocking Blocks

Interlocking building blocks, such as LEGO® bricks, are a wonderful tool for playful learning.

Interlocking building blocks are versatile. They can be used in both free and guided play. You can follow instructions to build a model or use your imagination and an assortment of blocks to create something new. Both approaches are satisfying and opportunities for learning

What are children learning while playing with these blocks?  They’re developing skills such as:

  • fine motor control
  • attention and focus
  • patterning and sequencing
  • following instructions
  • problem solving
  • creativity and imagination

And, they’re having fun!

There are so many possibilities for using these interlocking bricks. Sometimes children will need a starting place. Find inspiration in the following resources.

Ideas from LEGO

The LEGO Foundation offers activity booklets for different age groups.

For more than 400 lesson plans, from preschool to grade 12, visit LEGO education.

More activities

Made in BC

Did you know there is a made in BC family literacy manual for using interlocking bricks? Chrisy Hill developed Block Builders: Growing literacy skills through play. It’s filled with ideas for activities that support literacy skills, including storytelling, reading and speaking. While these are designed for a group program, these are activities that families can use at home. Chrisy is a Community Literacy Coordination with the Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy,

Braille Bricks

Did you know that LEGO has developed Braille Bricks to help teach Braille to blind and visually impaired children? These bricks will be available in Canada in 2021.

To learn more, read LEGO Braille Bricks Help Blind Children Learn to Read.

LEGO has developed pre-Braille and Braille activities to use with these special bricks.

New Report

There are many benefits to playful learning. A new report from the LEGO Foundation, Learning Through Play: increasing impact, reducing inequality, provides initial evidence of the power of playful learning to support inclusion and reduce inequality.

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