2021 Census Adult Education Kit

The 2021 Census started this month. Statistics Canada conducts the national Census of Population every five years. The information collected during the census is used to make informed decisions that benefit individuals, governments and the country.

2021 Census Adult Education Kit

Are your adult students ready for the 2021 Census? The 2021 Census Adult Education Kit is designed for use in adult literacy and English- or French-as-a-second-language (ESL or FSL) classes.

The four activities in the kit provide opportunities for listening, speaking, reading and writing. They will help students become familiar with the Census of Population and gain an understanding of how the census works and how information obtained through the census is used.

Students will learn where to find information when they are completing the census questionnaire. They will gain experience with important vocabulary. Specific learning objectives are aligned with the Canadian Language Benchmarks. Find materials lists, step-by-step directions, modifications and extension activities in the accompanying Instructor’s Guide.

Census Explainer Videos

Statistics Canada has also developed some short Census explainer videos that you can share with students. Here’s a sample.

More information

The Welcome to the 2021 Census website has helpful information, including an assortment of Frequently Asked Questions.

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