New! Come Read with Me videos

Today is the start of Raise-a-Reader Week! This fund-raising campaign supports family literacy. What a fitting time to introduce the newly released Come Read with Me videos.

This series of six short videos presents tips for parents to keep home reading a fun and positive experience for everyone.

Session 1: How we learn to read and how you can help your child become a lifelong reader

Session 2: How to help your child choose a just right book and how to warm-up the reading of a book

Session 3: How to read a book together

Session 4: When and how to correct mistakes

Session 5: How to help your child figure out unknown words

Session 6: How to use games to learn sight words

These are great videos to share with parents and caregivers, and reinforce the messages in the popular Reading Success at Home booklet.

For practitioners, Fiona Clare has provided an in-depth view of the Come Read with Me program. Find her Decoda conference presentation as well as the resources needed to run the program in the resource section of the website.

Thanks to Fiona Clare and Literacy in Kamloops for these resources!

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