Why does literacy matter to you?

Literacy matters more than ever! We chose this theme for Literacy Month 2020 to acknowledge the importance of literacy during the COVID-19 pandemic. Literacy facilitates our access to and understanding of: health and safety information, government services and benefits, and online education and work opportunities. It helps us make informed decisions at home, at work and in the community. COVID-19 has underlined how literacy can be life changing.

Why does literacy matter to you? The entries submitted to our Literacy Matters contest answered this question. These answers add meaning to the importance of literacy on a personal level and illustrate the impact of literacy in everyday life.

We invited all kinds of entries and that’s what we received – video, writing, drawings, photos and a picture book. We’d like to share some with you:

















































Thanks to everyone who entered the Literacy Matters contest! The winning entries were chosen by a random draw. There were so many good entries, it would have been too difficult to choose!

Congratulations to Beme Lei for winning the individual prize with “Literacy allows me to survive desperations of life.” And congratulations to the LINC 2 class at Windsor Neighbourhood Learning Centre for winning the class prize with their Literacy Matters: How Letters and Numbers Help Us book.

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