Express Emotions – Name it, don’t numb it.

Being able to name and express emotions – the ones we like and the ones we don’t like – is important for mental health.

Emotional literacy is the ability to recognize how we feel, understand our feelings, label them and express them.

Naming, talking and writing about our emotions can help us manage them. It can help us deal with uncomfortable feelings. It can help us recognize feelings in others. It’s an important skill for adults and children. To learn more, read the CMHA Mental Health Week 2021 Fact Sheet.

In order to name and express emotions, we need a vocabulary for emotions. The larger the vocabulary, the more clear we can be about describing how we feel.

Teaching Emotion Vocabulary

Vocabulary Lists and Tools

Books about Feelings

One way to introduce children to words for feelings is through books. Find suggestions for books about feelings in:

This week is CMHA Mental Health Week. The theme is ‘Name it, don’t numb it. #GetReal about how you feel.’

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