Literacy Connects Us at Work: Digital Literacy

September is Literacy Month and this year the theme is literacy connects us! Digital literacy skills in the workplace have long since moved away from the role of the IT department alone. In a modern workplace, digital skills are now a necessity. With thousands of jobs changing with digital technology, it is vital that employers and trainers include digital literacy in both professional and literacy training. The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed the issue to the forefront and has created a sense of urgency. Digital skills have also been identified in the new Skills for Success model developed by the federal government.

How do organizations implement a digital literacy training program that endures? Technology changes every day, however there are foundational skills that will help employees evolve with the technological changes, rather than feel left behind. The Skills for Success model identified six components of digital literacy to guide training and assessment:

  1. Use digital devices including computers, tablets, smart phones, and other handheld devices
  2. Use common digital tools to complete tasks
  3. Use digital information
  4. Use online tools and platforms
  5. Apply safe and responsible practices online
  6. Update and upgrade digital skills

Each component is broken down further on the website. The website also offers a selection of assessment and training tools. Expect the digital skill component of the Skills for Success model to be expanded upon in the coming years. In the meantime, we have gathered some more resources for both learning and teaching digital literacy in the workplace.

Online resources

Blog posts for even more digital literacy resources


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