Crafting for Literacy

Making crafts is an easy and fun literacy activity. Crafting can be a form of disguised learning that uses creative methods to teach children. Making crafts can help develop speaking, listening and comprehension skills. When we talk about the crafts we are making, we are practicing our communication skills.

“Something happens to literacy when it is seen through multiple modalities of meaning and communication: it moves from a thing to a thought and a feeling.” – Jennifer Rowsell

Crafts can also help develop fine motor skills by cutting, folding, colouring and many other movements. Making crafts can also encourage problem solving. Children will need to make decisions about what their craft will look like and how to construct it. If they run into difficulties, they need to determine how to overcome them. Crafting can also help self-regulation by promoting patience and flexibility. Additionally, making crafts helps develop children’s self-esteem. When complete, they can feel a sense of accomplishment and pride.

The video below offers a fun craft to help develop the fine motor skills children will need to learn to write in the future.

Read about more fun crafts you can do as a family in the resources below.


Note for readers: There will be no blog posts next week, April 3-7, 2023. Read All About Lit will return on April 11.

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