Read, Reread, Repeat

We’re reposting this excellent blog from 2020 on the importance of repeat read alouds for children.

Children often have favourite stories they can listen to again and again (and again!). And while adults might grow tired of the repetition, there are good reasons for reading stories more than once.

Here are a few of the benefits:

  • Reading a favourite read aloud provides a sense of comfort and security to children. It can create a family tradition.
  • Repetition reinforces learning, including building vocabulary.
  • Rereading is an opportunity to learn more from the words – and the pictures – in a book.
  • When a child chooses the same book to read again and again, repeat reading shows that they are listened to and their decision is valued.
  • Repeat reading is fun! Everyone likes to repeat an enjoyable experience. And, children enjoy the predictability of a familiar story.

Learn more about why repeat read alouds are a good idea in:

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