
Reading Resources Online

Are you teaching reading skills to adults at a distance? Would online access to reading materials at a variety of reading levels be helpful? Here are some of the places …

BC’s Restart Plan

Yesterday the BC Government announced BC’s Restart Plan. Find information on what that can mean to you and your work in: BC’s Restart Plan BC COVID-19 Go-Forward Management Strategy BC …

Learning to Teach at a Distance

Have you made a fast change from in-person to distance teaching or tutoring? Would you like to feel more prepared? Many people are feeling the same way. Some helpful resources …

Social Connection during COVID-19

May 4th-10th is CMHA Mental Health Week. This year, the theme is ‘social connection’ and its importance for mental health. The campaign this year calls for us to #GetReal about …

Screen-Free Scavenger Hunts

Due to COVID-19, Screen-Free Week 2020 is now Screen-Free Saturdays! One day a week, every week, families are invited to turn off their devices and connect, explore and play while …

Family Violence and COVID-19

While staying at home offers protection from COVID-19, it increases the risk for women and children experiencing family violence. Domestic violence rates are rising in Canada and globally during the …

Virtual Field Trips

You can enjoy museums, art galleries, animals, farms, world landmarks, space stations and more without leaving home. Why not try a virtual field trip. Find suggestions in: 5 Canadian Virtual …

More Story Time Online

Today is World Book and Copyright Day! More than ever, at a time where most of the schools around the world are closed and people are having to limit their …

Online Resources for Tutors

How can we provide resources to volunteer tutors while practising social distancing? Today we’d like to highlight a few online resources. Tutoring Basics A Frontier College Tutor’s Guide: Working with …

COVID-19 Parenting Tip Sheets

Recognizing the challenges that physical distancing and school closures can create for parents, a team of parenting experts has developed a set of six tip sheets on positive parenting. The …